Your congregation will no longer have to print version after version and finding ways to distribute costly and wasteful paper.
Search by name, search by remembered by. Allow your congregants to experience your book of memory beautifully and easilly.
Because your book is hosted online. Share the link with your congregants and have a dedicated search computer. Our digital book is mobile friendly, and touch screen ready.
No more weeks spent in indesign or publisher. A quick CSV file is all we need to get your book up and running.
Yes, colors, fonts, sizes, etc.. Customize what fields you want and more.
Once we have all of your preferred customizations and a final CSV file we can have your book up in a matter of days. Total typical time is about 2-3 weeks.
Yes, we will provide a template CSV file for you to fill in.
We can accept online payment or check. Payment is due within 30 days of the launch of your book.
An initial book is $2500 and a $500 a year renewal on subsequent years to update your book.
You are allotted three minor to major updates to your CSV after submitting. This should give you adequate room to adjust in case anyone was forgotten or signs up late.
We are Temple Beth Sholom in Miami Beach, FL. After seeing other temples spend tens of thousands for a similar system, only to have it be useless after the first year, we knew we could create something just as good, more personable, and everlasting, for a fraction of the cost.
No, we believe we are offering a fair price for our services. We host the website, manage the software and customize your listing. Our time spent learning and creating is your benefit. If your congregation is struggling to afford our digital book, please reach out.